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Echo Collection

Kenzie | Echo


Dark Chocolate
Chocolate Swirl
Ginger Brown
Marble Brown
Toasted Brown
Coffee Latte R
Almond Rocka R
Maple Sugar R
Spring Honey
Creamy Blonde
Mochaccino R
Nutmeg R
Sugar Cane R
Creamy Toffee R
Champagne R
Auburn Sugar R
Copper Glaze R

Long layered style with textured layers at the back with a side swept fringe. Monofilament top.

Colour Showing: Main Image: Almond Rocka R Additional Images: Mochaccino R

Colours Available:  Cappuccino, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate Swirl, Ginger Brown, Marble Brown, Toasted Brown, Coffee Latte R, Almond Rocka R, Maple Sugar R, Spring Honey, Creamy Blonde, Mochaccino R, Nutmeg R, Sugar Cane R, Creamy Toffee R, Champagne R, Auburn Sugar R, Copper Glaze R,